Friday, July 18, 2014


A FOX NEWS correspondent today reported that the Russian-made BUK Missile systems (SA 11 and/or Gadfly) have a "failsafe" option that, when activated, would identify the target based on signals transmitted from the targeted aircraft. The inference here is that commercial airliners "squawk" a unique signal that would notify the BUK system that they have targeted a non-hostile aircraft and the firing would automatically be aborted. Therefore, it is apparent that someone disabled this option to allow manual firing on any target acquired.

Disabling the "failsafe" option takes the operation of this missile system to an even higher level of sophistication and makes it more likely that the attack was controlled by an experienced operator(s) and far less likely that a "rebel separatist" simply pressed a button and erroneously brought a commercial Malaysia Airlines 777 out of the sky.

To our knowledge, this feature of the BUK system has gone largely unreported by the mainstream and, other than one mention on FOX Cable News, even the cable news networks have not picked-up on this additional bit of evidence to help identify who was ultimately responsible for this tragedy.