Monday, October 5, 2009


October 5, 2009

It's becoming more evident that something highly unusual has been and is currently happening in the skies above us. After decades of attempts to debunk reports of strange flying objects, the U.S. government must be feeling some pressure after the release of the French government's records on their UFO research.

We're also struck by the huge increase in media programs over the last year dealing with apocalyptic events and/or extraterrestrial visitors. Are we subtly being prepared for an event that would change humanity as we've known it?

There is something flying over the Earth, invading the airspace of world governments and even penetrating secure military installations. The reports of reliable pilots, astronauts, government officials, military officers/observers, police and the general public have left little doubt that there's something very advanced flying above us.

Whether it's extraterrestrial or Earth-made, governments have a real problem when it comes to actually disclosing the facts. Religious interests face similar problems if the answer is extraterrestrial, big oil may have egg on their face if the answer is found right here on Earth.

To explain the problem if the technology was produced here on Earth, let's say it is finally divulged that the craft we've been seeing was developed by the United States in the late 1940's - early 1950's time period. This craft is powered by technology that does not use fossil fuel and is non-polluting. Can you imagine the public outcry from such a disclosure? Environmentalists would be besides themselves, the average citizen would be outraged by the price they've been forced to pay for fuel, what about the "wars" that have been fought and the lives lost due to oil? That type of disclosure would certainly lead to huge displays of civil disobedience and can you imagine the additional outcry if it was disclosed that the technology came from Nazi Germany and Werner Von Braun? The fact that this power source had been kept from the public for 50+ years now makes releasing the information very problematic for governments, oil companies, etc.

Now let's assume the craft are from outside our planet. Governments must admit they can't defend our airspace and religious concerns have some real problems to deal with and believers may find it hard to continue following doctrines that may now have no basis.

So, why the secrecy? Nobody can decide how to handle the truth when the public finds out. It's going to be very interesting when the day arrives.

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