Friday, January 8, 2010


January 8, 2010

We've given the Administration more than ample time to identify those responsible for the lapse in national security during the Christmas bombing attempt on a Delta/Northwest airliner. The President has even indicated that he's not interested in placing blame. Well Mr. President, as long as your national security contingent and others in the employ of the Federal government know that their screw-ups will not cause any repercussions, they will continue to act in the "matter-of-fact" manner (at best) that most taxpayers know all to well.

If the "buck stops here" as the President has said and if he is not going to insist on the resignation of Leitner, Brennan and Napolitano, then maybe he should resign. It would be much simpler and more appropriate to identify the people who actually dropped the ball and FIRE them. But, with the pervasive PC attitude that handcuffs our government, that would make those actually responsible "feel bad" and we can't have that!

This approach is doomed to fail and most likely will result in a catastrophic event that will again be shown to have been preventable if only someone had done their job. The next event, successful or not, will not be tolerated by taxpayers. The President has said he won't tolerate it, so why should we? Unfortunately, his proclamation rings empty without those responsible getting the axe!

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