Tuesday, July 7, 2009


July 7, 2009

The newest Rasmussen Reports poll shows a whopping 60% of Americans are currently against a second "Stimulus Package". Those favoring a second package accounted for 28% of those polled, with 12% being "unsure".

Admittedly, the Administration is beginning to recognize what most tax-paying Americans have known for some time - the economy is in really bad shape, and worse than they thought. Gee, that should give Americans confidence. But don't let them fool you, they knew full well the consequences of their actions versus our ability to fund their follies.

So what were they thinking? Bottom line, this may be their only opportunity to do what we've been planning for the last 40+ years and they cannot let fiscal responsibility get in the way.

Only 10% of the first "Stimulus Package" has been spent, according to the Administration. So, why are they already saying that we may need another? Well, it makes you wonder if they underestimated the solution so badly, what other "estimates" are flawed? Based on initial performance, we should all question their ability to responsibly predict anything.

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