Monday, July 20, 2009


July 20, 2009

Ninety days ago, President Obama directed his Cabinet Secretaries to cut a "mere" $100,000,000 from each of their combined multi-trillion dollar budgets, and to submit their cuts to him in, wait for it, 90 days! Although seen by many as small, insignificant budgetary reductions, I applauded his effort to cut waste and, like Mr. Obama said, "overall, it adds up to some real money".

Well, his deadline is here and not only has this directive been basically ignored, but there hasn't even been any indication that they're working on it! They probably could have complied with the directive by simply purchasing cheaper paper clips!

We were told that by electing Mr. Obama there would be significant "changes" in Washington. Many voters were all too ready for change and the country needs it, apparently now more than ever. Voters were told that the old games would not be tolerated, that there would be transparency, lobbyists wouldn't be considered for White House appointments, proposed legislation would be posted on the Internet to allow for an appropriate review and debate, and the list of proposed "changes" goes on and on.

Have there been ANY significant "changes" since Mr. Obama has taken office? The answer is NO! Not only have there been no changes for the betterment of the country, the current majority has flaunted their situation by such actions as complying with a requirement for proposed legislation to be read on the Senate and House floors prior to voting by actually employing a "speed reader" to fulfill this obligation. Former lobbyists are in more White House positions than ever before. Proposed legislation from Mr. Obama's party is routinely submitted with no time for review, let alone debate. We also don't remember Mr. Obama mentioning that he intended to bypass the "advise and consent" function of Congress by appointing his personal "Czars" to perform the duties of the Cabinet. These are not problems passed on to Mr. Obama by Mr. Bush, which has been the current administration's favorite excuse to date.

Voters wanted a change from the games played in Washington. Looks like we got a change, a different political party, but the same old games remain basically unchanged. The players may be different, and that may be enough for some. But, to taxpayers who actually care about results rather than personality, it's beginning to look like the current Administration may be in way, way over their heads.

And, isn't it amazing that the very issue that started the economic collapse (housing) is being totally ignored. They've thrown out a few "programs" to assist distressed homeowners. However, to a large extent, the only ones that these programs help are homeowners who didn't deserve to obtain a mortgage 3-5 years ago.

Homeowners who properly qualified for their mortgages (down payment, proof of employment, proof of income, credit worthiness, CITIZEN, etc.) and who have been paying their obligation every month for years are ignored. These homeowners, many close to retirement, have seen a huge part of their net worth evaporate. Many have no equity left in their home and most now owe more than their house is worth.

How does the Administration think these homeowners have a chance to recoup their losses? They know it can't happen and it's probably the main reason for keeping it quiet. If more taxpaying home owners realized that their home's value is now in a negative equity situation and, most importantly, that there is virtually no chance of recovering that money, at least not during their lifetime, they'd want somebody's head on a stick!

Everyone else is being "made whole", but the average homeowner is expected to simply rollover for the betterment of big banks and the "disenfranchised". For the most part, the "disenfranchised" are those too lazy to work, to incompetent/stupid to hold a job, too weird to be hired, illegal aliens, and those who have embraced the generational "welfare state" we've created. This is a great group to subsidize in an effort to make them feel better about themselves - this has been our Country's biggest concern over the last 10 years and this mindset is about to destroy our economy. We're all for helping those who deserve it, but to simply give away the farm to make an illegal alien with a rap sheet feel better about themselves is total stupidity.

So, if you're close to or over 60 years old and you're underwater in your mortgage, walk away en masse. You'll never recover the investment in your home, forget about your credit rating and start socking away the money you'd be paying to the bank to stay in the red. Federal and State taxes should be withheld until these clowns can be trusted to spend OUR money wisely. Apparently, nothing else will get their attention.

Meanwhile, most Americans are content to either hide their heads in the sand. Sad.

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