Wednesday, July 22, 2009


July 22, 2009

In the last month, a string of announcements by members of the Obama administration to the governments of India and China have basically made it clear that the United States, in the face of pending "Cap in Trade" legislation, has accepted blame for creating "global warming". Funny, I don't remember voting on that or even hearing any debate among unbiased scientists concerning this very important issue.

Apparently we aren't simply happy accepting blame, but have indicated that America intends to pay for any carbon offset penalties imposed on China, India, etc. due to Cap in Trade legislation. Talk about "real money", this is going to be some real money! And, God knows, we can easily afford that little expense right now. What are these people thinking? One official stated that he believed the consumer of the products should shoulder the carbon offset expense, not the producer.

Man, talk about stacking the deck and not recognizing reality! That would mean that China, for example, could simply not impose any environmental standards concerning carbon emissions, which would lower China's cost of manufacturing even more. The environment worsens, especially in China and neighboring areas, and just because America (feel guilt here) has enjoyed a certain quality of life - WE have to pay the penalty?! America didn't steal a good quality-of-life from anyone, especially China. It was due to the hard work, ingenuity and the freedom to do what we've done for over 200 years that America has become the envy and target of the rest of the world.

When other countries have no incentive to do something that might be costly and they see no upside to complying, they simply stonewall or refuse.

Please tell your elected representatives that not only can we not afford this nonsense, but we refuse to let America become the fallguy for any crisis that arises!

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