Friday, August 21, 2009


August 21, 2009

We get reports from people all the time and it's amazing how some government officials get more negative interest than others. One example is California Congresswoman Lois Capps. Ms. Capps (apologies to "Senator" Boxer) represents some pretty pricey areas in Southern California, but apparently has gone MIA during the recent economic crisis in Washington.

Her constituents have flooded her office with pleas for assistance only to be largely ignored by her and her staff. A Town Hall meeting is a far from happening as her sudden resignation from what she apparently sees as a career job. From what we're hearing, she may have a big surprise when she next appears on the ballot.

Constituents have been demanding that she do something about the huge numbers of homes going into foreclosure in her District. Guess she has her fingers into the profits being made from those robberies, otherwise you'd think she'd try to stop the lenders from stealing the homes in her District. Just another example of the weak representation we have in Washington. When things are good, they love the perks in return for breathing. But when they actually need to represent the interests of their constituents, they disappear and hope they can keep their cushy job by simply staying out of the press. Surprise! We advertised that we were going to name those who are failing the voters that put them in office, Lois Capps you are a disgrace.

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