Tuesday, August 25, 2009


August 25, 2009

We are seeing a very strange commonality in the background of persons being appointed to significant positions within the current Administration. This is even more important if you take President Obama seriously when he said, "If you want to know what I'm about, look at the people I surround myself with". Well, if we want to believe what the President is telling us (and this is what they want and deserve as the elected leader of the free world), we have to interpret his statement at face value. To do this raises very disturbing questions concerning exactly where this Administration intends to take America.

There appears to be more than a few radicals from the 1960's and union-types finding their way into influential positions within the Administration. A former co-founder of the '60's radical Weather Underground, Jeff Jones, is now head of the Apollo Alliance. The Weather Underground bombed government buildings in the '60's and Bill Ayers, another Obama "acquaintance" was a founding member of the group. According to House Majority Leader Harry Reid, the Apollo Alliance was instrumental in writing the Stimulus Package legislation. Mr. Jones now profits handsomely by advising companies on how to obtain money from the Stimulus Package.

This is only one of the Administration's ties to '60's radicals, including William Ayers, Van Jones, Rev. Wright, Carol Browner, Cass Sunstein, John Holdren, Ezekiel Emmanuel (brother of the Chief of Staff - surprising), plus a recent decision not to prosecute members of the Black Panthers for alleged polling place intimidation violations from the 2008 Presidential election.

In 1996, a number of these White House "acquaintances" even reconstituted the '60's radical groups like "Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)" and the Weather Underground into a new entity calling themselves "Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS)". It is not surprising that Mr. Jones, head of the Apollo Alliance, is on the Board of MDS.

Is anyone vetting these individuals? Or, taking Mr. Obama at his word, should we assume there's a message in these appointments and "acquaintences"? As we've said before, if there's not an agenda here, there have to be qualified individuals without this "baggage" that are willing to fill these positions. We are at a loss to explain why these professed radicals continue to be influencing our Country's future policy and ultimate destiny.

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