Wednesday, August 5, 2009


August 5, 2009

On July 2, 2008, during a campaign appearance in Colorado Springs, candidate Barack Obama was explaining his plans to expand the Peace Corps and the Americorp program when he suddenly made another statement, which has been totally ignored by both mainstream print and broadcast media.

The candidate, now President, said "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

The first response from Obama supporters will be that his statement was taken "out of context". That's sometimes a valid concern, however, we try very hard to be totally objective in our reporting, so a full video clip of his statement from that appearance can be played at:

so watch and decide for yourself.

Granted candidates sometimes say things that they subsequently have to reverse or retract and sometimes they just "stupidly" executing their rhetoric, but this is off the scale. This statement cannot be simply ignored. President Obama must explain exactly what he meant - especially since the plan has apparently been getting the hush-hush from virtually everyone, except for a few independent, truth-seeking bloggers. Why would broadcast news commentators and anchors from programs/networks and editors/investigative reporters from print media, most with fairly obvious political preferences, choose to completely ignore this issue?

Is it too much to ask for the President to disclose what his intentions are/were in relation to this statement, one important enough for him to deliberately include in his prepared speech? Not only would the creation of such a "security force" be a hotly debated issue, it would have a potentially devastating impact on our fragile economy. Well, maybe we've hit on the reason for the silence. Let's hope it's not hidden in the proposed "health care" legislation, most members of Congress have a problem reading an entire bill and midnight additions are common.

Bottom line: All Americans deserve to have an explanation and now!

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